You can run the async code by importing Client from upstash_qstash.asyncio and awaiting the methods.

Create a schedule that runs every 5 minutes

from upstash_qstash import Client

client = Client("<QSTASH_TOKEN>")
schedules = client.schedules()
res = schedules.create({
  "destination": "https://my-api...",
  "cron": "*/5 * * * *",


Create a schedule that runs every hour and sends the result to a callback URL

from upstash_qstash import Client

client = Client("<QSTASH_TOKEN>")
schedules = client.schedules()
  "destination": "https://my-api...",
  "cron": "0 * * * *",
  "callback": "https://my-callback...",
  "failure_callback": "https://my-failure-callback...",

Create a schedule to a topic that runs every minute

from upstash_qstash import Client

client = Client("<QSTASH_TOKEN>")
schedules = client.schedules()
  "destination": "my-topic",
  "cron": "* * * * *",

Get a schedule by schedule id

from upstash_qstash import Client

client = Client("<QSTASH_TOKEN>")
schedules = client.schedules()
res = schedules.get("scheduleId")

List all schedules

from upstash_qstash import Client

client = Client("<QSTASH_TOKEN>")
schedules = client.schedules()
all_scheds = schedules.list()

Delete a schedule

from upstash_qstash import Client

client = Client("<QSTASH_TOKEN>")
schedules = client.schedules()