You can run the async code by importing Client from upstash_qstash.asyncio and awaiting the methods.

Create a topic and add 2 endpoints

from upstash_qstash import Client

client = Client("<QSTASH_TOKEN>")
topics = client.topics()
    "name": "topic_name",
    "endpoints": [
      {"url": "https://my-endpoint-1"},
      {"url": "https://my-endpoint-2"}

Get topic by name

from upstash_qstash import Client

client = Client("<QSTASH_TOKEN>")
topics = client.topics()
topic = topics.get("topic_name")
print(topic["name"], topic["endpoints"])

List topics

from upstash_qstash import Client

client = Client("<QSTASH_TOKEN>")
topics = client.topics()
all_topics = topics.list()
for topic in all_topics:
  print(topic["name"], topic["endpoints"])

Remove an endpoint from a topic

from upstash_qstash import Client

client = Client("<QSTASH_TOKEN>")
topics = client.topics()
    "name": "topic_name",
    "endpoints": [
      {"url": "https://my-endpoint-1"},

Delete a topic

from upstash_qstash import Client

client = Client("<QSTASH_TOKEN>")
topics = client.topics()